
Web Design III

Experimental Project


This third project is an elective project that you allows you to select an advanced topic that interests you for either growing into a new area, or beginning to experiment with technologies or methods that could serve in your capstone project or career. Consider from among the following current trends or topics, in addition to proposing your own:

  • CSS transitions and animations.
  • Atomic Web Design, Object-oriented CSS, or BEM.
  • Interactive design frameworks such as Material Design.
  • SVG, responsive SVG, animated SVG.
  • JavaScript programming with technologies such as NodeJS, Angular, React, and others.
  • Server-side development using technologies such as Ruby on Rails, PHP and MySQL, or Python and PostgreSQL.

What you do in this project, however, will be a little more involved than in the first two. In this one you will complete an actual project as you did in the others---which we'll call the "Experimental Portion" of this project.

But this time we'll add to this that you must also prepare an instructional guide on the topic for your peers to complete later in the course. Your instructional guide should point to resources, include some steps for learning, provide some starting base for a small challenge project, and challenge participants to actively learn some of what you've learned by completing your guide and finishing the challenge.

You will therefore have two Github repos for this project:

  • Your experimental portion will be in one repo. In the end this will contain your finished, portfolio-ready project showing what you learned for this project. Work on a develop branch and make PRs into master. Be sure to invite your professor to this repo and add them as a Reviewer to provide input before any merges.
  • Your instructional portion will be in a second repo. In the end this will contain at the least the instructions for your peers to follow, along with other resource files as needed, such as sample assets or starter files. Place your instructions in a file (which you can edit in any code editor: see GitHub's guide to Markdown as needed). This must be a public repo so that you can send your peers to it in order to complete your instructional lesson.

Here is the rough schedule:

  • Week 1: Propose a topic to your professor through Slack along with samples of sources you will use as a base for your own learning.
  • Week 2: Complete substantive project on your own experimental portion of the project.
  • Week 3: Finish your experimental portion and submit it through a pull request on Github.
  • Week 4: Finish your instructional portion and post it on Github. Share the repo URL for your peers on Slack.
  • Weeks 5--6: Choose at least two of your peers' lessons to complete, at least one per week. See the course schedule for exact timing in the semester this course is offered.

Because you will be building an actual instructional portion you do not need to submit resources for this project as you did for the other two.